Something exciting is happening in our night sky starting September 29, 2024—Earth is getting a temporary new "mini moon" in the form of asteroid 2024 PT5 so they say. But here at the Inner-G Spot, we know better and have reason to believe otherwise. Discovered by ATLAS in August 2024, this small asteroid, just 33 feet wide, will be captured by Earth’s gravity for about two months before continuing on its path around the sun. Though too small to see with the naked eye, its brief visit reminds us of the constant motion in our solar system. Or at least that's what they want you to think. It's another way of saying don't bother looking up, and if you've ever seen that movie "Don't Look Up", you'd have sense enough to know that you probably should, in fact, look up!
But what’s even more intriguing is that this event echoes the buildup around a much larger space rock: Apophis, a massive asteroid that will come incredibly close to Earth in 2029. And while this is what the media has to say about this event, since when have they ever told us the truth? Let’s break down both of these exciting events!
Asteroid 2024 PT5: A Mini Moon for Earth
Asteroid 2024 PT5 will be pulled into Earth's gravitational field starting on September 29, creating a temporary mini moon until November 25. This isn’t the first time Earth has captured a mini moon (but this is the first time they are telling us about it), but it’s always a rare and special event. This asteroid, like others in the Arjuna asteroid group, has an orbit similar to Earth’s, making it easier for our planet’s gravity to grab hold of it briefly. But do you believe it will be brief? How do we know that this won't become our own "3 Body Problem"? If you need the link to the show or the trailer, please ask in the comments.
Also, if you actually took a moment to watch the above video link, please subscribe to our website to be notified when we drop the blog on an major event happening in October 2024-April 24. It will most certainly be MORE than a 3 body problem for the Earth.
Although 2024 PT5 won’t complete a full orbit and will be too small to see with backyard telescopes, scientists are excited about the opportunity to study this temporary visitor. These kinds of events help us understand more about the dynamics of near-Earth objects and how they interact with our planet. So here's the thing: if THEY can put truth in plain sight and assume WE do not notice the shit, why even bother mentioning this event to us?
Is it possible that the Earth's gravational pull will do more then they claiming? Are they trying to prep us for a possible direct hit? Does this make them feel better about themselves that they even mentioned it, but that it was up to us to do the research and actually figure this shit out? Just what if the path 2024 PT5 takes during this orbit is a direct result of how we treat the planet? What if we do good, it will go about it's business, BUT if we do bad, it will collide as a warning before the Apophis asteroid shows up? As a matter of fact, let's look into what they told us about Apophis.
Apophis: A Giant in the Sky
While 2024 PT5’s stay is brief, another asteroid named Apophis is gearing up for a much more dramatic flyby in 2029. Apophis, first discovered in 2004, caused quite a stir when scientists initially predicted it could potentially collide with Earth. Thankfully, more data revealed that it will safely pass us by—but just barely. On April 13, 2029, Apophis will come closer to Earth than any asteroid of its size ever has, passing within 20,000 miles of our planet—closer than many of our satellites.
The name "Apophis" has a fittingly ominous meaning. It’s derived from the Egyptian god of chaos and destruction, which makes sense given the initial concern about a possible impact. Though it won’t hit Earth, the asteroid’s close pass will be an incredible opportunity for scientists and space enthusiasts alike to observe and study a large near-Earth object up close.
Interestingly enough, we thought that 2024 PT5 was close enough for the same studies, so why is this opportunity so incredible when they are to have already done this by the time Apophis shows up? When Apophis was first discovered, there was a bit of a “hush hush” surrounding it, as early models suggested a collision could be possible in 2029. This initial uncertainty led to some nervous speculation before later models reassured us that Earth would be safe. But is it though?
What Does This Mean for You?
Events like the mini moon of 2024 PT5 and Apophis’s flyby remind us of the dynamic nature of our solar system. While neither of these space rocks poses any danger to Earth according to the media that we cannot trust, they give scientists and astronomers valuable opportunities to learn more about asteroids and how they interact with planets like ours. And who knows what other cosmic surprises the future holds? But keep in mind, these are the same scienctists who cannot explain the auroras in the skies and have resulted to calling them STEVE until they figure it out. smacks forehead
At the Inner-G Spot, we’re fascinated with the truth behind these cosmic events and their connections to consciousness, energy, and human evolution. We explore how celestial happenings like these mirror the transformations happening within us all and we aim to peel back the layers. Want to learn more? Join our website and subscribe to our livestreams to dive deeper into discussions on cosmic activity, energy, frequency, quantum healing, and personal growth.
For more detailed reads on both asteroids, check out this article on 2024 PT5 and the story of Apophis. Don’t miss out on these once-in-a-lifetime cosmic events!